This competition is to encourage local emerging writers.

Work is to be submitted as a PDF or Word document only. All works must be typed in 12-point sized font, 1.5 spaced using Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri (or similar plain font) with wide margins. 


To submit your entry:

1.      Pay the entry fee to: warrnamboolstorytellingfestival
BSB: 633000
Account: 189 638 331
Reference: 'SWWC' and your surname

i.      Fee for Adult category: $10.00
ii.   Fee for Micro-fiction: $10.00
iii.     Fee for Youth category: $5.00

2.      Send an email as follows to: southweststorytelling@gmail.com 

i.      Subject line: 

'SW Writing Competition'

ii.      Body of message must include:

1.     Author's name

2.     Category

3.     Date of birth (if under 18) 

4.     Fiction or Non-fiction

5.     Word count

6.     Title

7.     Payment receipt number

3.      Attach your entry as a PDF or Word doc
To preserve anonymity and the 'blind' judging process, uploaded entries must only contain the title and text of the entry/story - any other personal identification (e.g. the author's name) relating to the entrant must not appear on the entry including in the header or footer. The author's name must not appear in the digital file. The filename of the entry must be the name/title of the entry/story.

4.  Please make sure your entry is as finished as you can make it, including checked for spelling, grammar and layout; once an entry has been received, we are unable to accept corrections or modifications in any way.